

Do You Have the Faith to Pray Persistently?

In Matthew 15:22, we encounter a powerful example of faith. A Canaanite woman approaches Jesus, pleading for mercy as her daughter suffers from a demon’s oppression. Despite not being Jewish, she recognizes Jesus as Lord and Son of David, acknowledging His royal and divine identity. Yet, the disciples try to dismiss her, and Jesus initially remains silent (Matthew 15:23). Her persistence, however, does not waver.

Jesus tells her, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 15:24), and later, He says, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs” (Matthew 15:26). Many might have walked away at this point, feeling insulted. But this woman’s faith remains unshaken. She humbly responds, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table” (Matthew 15:27), demonstrating her belief that even a small mercy from Jesus would be enough to heal her daughter.

Moved by her great faith, Jesus heals her daughter instantly, saying, “O woman, great is your faith!” (Matthew 15:28). What makes her faith so great? It was her persistence, her refusal to give up in the face of silence and rejection. Her example teaches us that God rewards those who continue to seek Him, even when answers seem delayed.

In James 5:16, we are reminded that “the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” Righteousness is rooted in faith, and it is through faith that our prayers gain power. James urges us to ask in faith, without doubting, for the one who doubts is “like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind” (James 1:6).

The Canaanite woman’s persistence mirrors the promise found in Luke 18:7-8: “Will not God give justice to His elect, who cry to Him day and night? Will He delay long over them? I tell you, He will give justice to them speedily.” God’s answers may not come when we expect or in the way we anticipate, but His timing is perfect, and His answers are always good.

If you’ve grown weary in your prayers, remember the Canaanite woman and her unwavering faith. Let her example encourage you to continue praying, trusting that God hears and will answer in His perfect time.

Do you have the faith to pray persistently? Keep asking, keep seeking, and trust that God will answer in a way that is good and perfect. Never give up; God rewards those who persist in faith.