

A Prescription for Greater Joy

Chronic depression is a leading cause of poor health and disability in the world according to the World Health Organization.  To those fighting feelings of hopelessness, I would like to make some suggestions that can help you achieve a healthier state of mind and a greater sense of well-being.


  1. Seek to live for a good purpose.  Do this by using what you love and are good at to bring glory to God.
  2. Declutter, simplify, and organize your life.  Chaos disorients you.  Order sharpens your focus.
  3. Keep a prayer journal.  You’ll draw nearer to God, access His power, calm your mind, organize your thoughts, and be encouraged.
  4. Get in the habit of reading the Bible.  Store up the words of life in your heart.
  5. Choose to be in the company of other people.  Social media doesn’t replace human fellowship, but Christ’s church can provide it.
  6. Make a deliberate effort to serve others and make them happy.  Working to bring others joy will take your mind off your own problems and give you joy.
  7. If you can, get moving and be physically active.  Work up a sweat, get out of breath, and raise your heart rate.  When you do, changes occur in your brain that make you less anxious and depressed.
  8. Go outside and get a little sunshine and fresh air.  Evidence indicates that too little sunlight leads to depression.
  9. Understand that actions influence feelings.  You can’t turn feelings on and off like a lamp.  But you can decide what actions you will take.  Actions, in turn, have a definite influence on feelings.  Use this knowledge to your advantage.


Changing what you do may be hard at first, but in the end, positive actions bring greater joy.  As the psalmist says in Psalm 126:5, “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!” -Paul