

Be a Fruit-Bearer (Part 2)

A wise man once advised me to “beware of negative people, because they can find a problem for every solution.”  These are very insightful words.  There are some people who do little good themselves.  These same people, however, are often critical of those who do endeavor to do good.


It’s possible to perform flawlessly when you do nothing.  On the other hand, when you step out on faith, try new things, and seek to do good, you will make mistakes and inevitably meet with differing opinions regarding your approach.  You will also, however, learn valuable lessons and bear good fruit for God, becoming a more and more effective worker as you go. 


As we established last week, Jesus bore much good fruit in the world.  “He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.” (Act 10:38)


John said all the books in the world wouldn’t have enough room to write down all the good Jesus did (Joh 21:25).  As Jesus went, however, his opponents watched him and sought to pick apart his actions:  they tried to catch him in the things he said (Luk 11:54); they condemned him for healing on the Sabbath (Luk 13:11-16); and they disdained him for dining with sinners and tax collectors (Matt 9:9-12). 


Jesus’ opponents weren’t busy doing good, but they were busybodies.  Paul says this is no way to be (2Th 3:10-13).


Let’s be sure we encourage others in their efforts to do good, understanding that people will make mistakes as they learn and improve, and understanding that there is more than one valid way to do most things.  Don’t take feedback as personal criticism.  Everyone has a unique perspective, and you will never conform to everyone’s expectations.


We’re not called to rebuke and reprimand busy workers.  We’re called to “encourage” and “spur each other on to love and good works.” (Heb 10:24,25)  Let’s bear the good fruit God desires of us, and let’s encourage others to do the same. -Paul