

Christ Sets Us Free

As Americans, we enjoy great freedoms.  But true freedom can only be found when Christ sets us free (Joh 8:34; Gal 5:1).


When we live in sin, we’re slaves to our appetites and impulses.  But Christ frees us from the addictive nature of sin and gives us a spirit of self-control (2Ti 1:7).


When we live in sin, we make foolish decisions with bad consequences.  But Christ frees us from the folly of sin, giving us the wisdom to make decisions we won’t regret (Jam 1:5).


When we live in sin, we live in fear and anxiety (Pro 28:1).  But Christ frees us from fear and gives us peace that passes understanding (Phi 4:7).


When we live in sin, we’re under a death sentence (Rom 6:23).  But Christ wipes our record clean and frees us from sin’s guilt (1Pe 3:21).


When we live in sin, we damage our relationships, rebelling against God, and hurting each other.  But Christ frees us from the loneliness and isolation of sin, leading us to love God with all we have and our neighbors as ourselves (1Jo 4:8).


When we live in sin, we don’t stand for anything worthwhile.  But Christ frees us from futility and gives us the worthwhile mission of serving God (Mat 28:18-20).


When we live in sin, we have no hope greater than the fleeting pleasures of this life.  But Christ liberates us from despair and gives us a joyful hope of heaven that nothing can take away (Heb 11:1).


Enjoy the blessings and freedoms of being an American.  But remember that no matter where you live, you won’t experience true freedom if you’re not in Christ.

